We have recently become aware that there have been organized efforts to flood the next School Board meeting with an increased turnout from many, including out-of-state areas, using private messaging platforms, robocalls, and more. This messaging is being used in an effort to "top" the June 22nd meeting, which was overrun by aggressive and combative individuals. Combined with the surging rates of COVID and a lack of physical separation or protection for individuals outside supporting policy 8040, we believe there is a significant safety concern for those attending the August 10 meeting.
Because of this, sadly, we are postponing the August 10 Pizza & Pride event and we are recommending that all pro-equity and pro-8040 give their public statements virtually.
This is not an easy decision and not one we come to lightly. But our Board's primary concern is the safety of students and residents. We will not let these hostile actions dim our spirit to fight to support our transgender students, we will instead work smarter to make sure our voices are heard even clearer using other tools available. We will have a presence at this meeting and our message will be heard. And we will still go forward with the Pizza & Pride event in the near future as an event to celebrate what we believe will be the passage of Policy 8040. So please continue to follow our Facebook for more important announcements on this. Equality Loudoun continues to stand committed to supporting, protecting, and uplifting the voices of our trans students and all LGBTQ+ voices in Loudoun County.
Link to Virtual Sign-ups: https://www.lcps.org/Page/223425 * If you've already signed up for in-person, you can still sign up for virtual and they will email you to double check which you would rather do according to the LCPS page.