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Kiss of Yoga LLC



Joined on February 11, 2025




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Kiss of Yoga is a space born from not only a childhood nickname but also from the knowledge and recognition that we generally only touch on a small piece, a kiss, of yoga. Asana or movement is not the entirety of what yoga is – there is so much more to discover and KOY wants to help you dive into those spaces!

As a 500-hour Registered Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation teacher living on un-ceded Piscataway and Manahoac land, Kirsten is dedicated to helping you inquire within and develop a connection with your breath and body in a mindful way both on and off the mat.

General Survey

Question: What percent of your organization identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community?

Answer: Not applicable.

Question: What are your policies on LGBTQ+ trainings?

Answer: Not applicable.

Question: How often do you require or recommend LGBTQ+ inclusive training?

Answer: Annually.

Question: Which best describes your current policies and procedures for your LGBTQ+ staff?

Answer: We have used references from LGBTQ+ organizations to build our policies and procedures.

Question: Which best describes your current policies and procedures for your LGBTQ+ clients?

Answer: We have used references from LGBTQ+ organizations to build our policies and procedures.

Question: How do you create a positive space for the LGBTQ+ community?

Answer: We have year-round shows of support that are specifically affirming or positive for the LGBTQ+ community.

Industry Survey

Question: Which queer organizations have you worked with, donated to, or supported- now or in the past?

Answer: Equality Loudoun, The Trevor Project, Safe For You, The Human Rights Campaign, Teen Mental Wellness Facilitator with The Ryan Bartel Foundation (teen inclusive/resilience org)

Question: How do you promote diverse employment among qualified job applicants?

Answer: Not applicable.

Question: How do you try to create a queer-inclusive business space?

Answer: It is the intention and driving energy of Kiss of Yoga, LLC to share the gifts of yogic knowledge that support the body, mind, and spirit connection, invite inquiry inward, celebrate and appreciate the beauty of individuality, and offer tools for continued individual exploration, while upholding and appreciating the roots of yoga through education and practice.

It is with great respect and understanding that human error is inevitable and when we know better, we do better. While it is the goal of Kiss of Yoga, LLC to never cause harm, it is understood that harm may unintentionally occur nonetheless and we are dedicated to the learning process and the action of undoing systemic oppression, micro-aggressions, and restoring damage in all areas of practice both on and off the mat.

We strive to offer safe, supportive and body-positive spaces, including but not limited to utilizing gender-neutral language, preferred pronouns, and trauma-informed practices, to all who engage in yoga and we strongly encourage and invite discussion regarding any and all levels of discomfort and harm caused through words, actions or teachings within Kiss of Yoga learning spaces.

Question: What are examples of your queer-inclusive policies? (Do you have all-gender restrooms? Do you have a trans-inclusive policy for your facilities? Do you allow customers and/or employees to change their information easily and confidentially?)

Answer: As a single-member LLC without a physical location, all connections are made and honored through the owner, Kirsten Shabanowitz and the individual seeking services.


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