Joined on September 15, 2023
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We offer an inclusive and inspiring low-impact/high-intensity indoor cycling experience for all ages and body types. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, our class experience promises to calm your mind, elevate your mood and revive your senses.
General Survey
Question: What percent of your organization identifies as part of the LGBTQ+ community?
Answer: More than 10%
Question: What are your policies on LGBTQ+ trainings?
Answer: Not Applicable
Question: How often do you require or recommend LGBTQ+ inclusive training?
Answer: We have not offered training yet, but would very much like to.
Question: Which best describes your current policies and procedures for your LGBTQ+ staff?
Answer: We have a general anti-discrimination clause that covers LGBTQ and other marginalized groups.
Question: Which best describes your current policies and procedures for your LGBTQ+ clients?
Answer: We have a general anti-discrimination clause that covers LGBTQ and other marginalized groups.
Question: How do you create a positive space for the LGBTQ+ community?
Answer: We have year-round shows of support that are specifically affirming or positive for the LGBTQ+ community.
Industry Survey
Question: Which queer organizations have you worked with, donated to, or supported- now or in the past?
Answer: N/A
Question: How do you promote diverse employment among qualified job applicants?
Answer: We do not base any hiring decisions based on gender, race, orientation, class, etc.
Question: How do you try to create a queer-inclusive business space?
Answer: CycleBar is all about inclusivity. We welcome everyone and want everyone to feel comfortable.
Question: What are examples of your queer-inclusive policies? (Do you have all-gender restrooms? Do you have a trans-inclusive policy for your facilities? Do you allow customers and/or employees to change their information easily and confidentially?)
Answer: Our restrooms are gender neutral. We don't have any policies but are open to incorporating. Customers and staff information is easy to change. Gender is not required information.